Finding Center

Today is an interesting day.. much going on nationally.  A good day for those without healthcare who now have access. But on the other hand,
 a bad day for the those who are employed by the government and have been asked to go home because the government was shut down or those new parents whose WIC assistance was suspended. This is important to consider.  

 It seems that personal or ideological agendas are overriding the importance of remaining centered and pragmatic.  I have found that looking beyond the personal toward the collective good has somehow been forgotten. Unless there is the willingness to engage and communicate in an effective way, differences will only polarize people more. 

This is relevant in all relationships in our lives... work, family, and community.  My thought is that a sign of a good leader, parent, spouse is the ability to remain centered. Only when we are well centered can we evaluate any given situation and act accordingly for the collective good ...Asking what is best for the organization, the family, or the community?   

It is important to let go of  "self centeredness"  and think of the collective good and reach compromise despite differing views.  

Hoping for prompt resolution  and forward movement.... 

Peace, Light, and Well being! 


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