The Begining

This is my first attempt at blogging.  I was inspired when I saw the movie Julie and Julia a while ago.  I was fascinated and thought why not..? It took some time, but here I am!

My area of passion is a little different. I leave the cooking to my son, the chef!
I am passionate about people and the power of transformation!

When one works as a therapist one receives the innermost feelings and thoughts and fears of people who are desperately seeking answers.

The therapeutic relationship is confidential and therefore you will only be reading my thoughts and how my work impacts my life experience! 
 I can say that sometimes, when I listen to clients, I can observe Carl Jung's "collective unconscious" play out. At times there are themes that flow throughout the week!  Its very interesting and one never knows how the day will go!  I like this aspect in particular.
I join clients on their life journey for a given amount of time listening and assisting them in finding their way.  

Similarly, I have a journey of my own and I am interested in writing about that. About my journey and the interweaving of work, family, and relationships in love, with friends, and with colleagues.
I was talking with a therapist friend of mine today   We talked about life in this profession  The challenges and the need to take care of ourselves and to live life to the fullest. After all, we have been witness to so much suffering and pain caused by mental illness, trauma, and substance abuse.   We are both very passionate about our work.  Particularly with persons who are underprivileged; who see their lives as broken and count on us to help them put the pieces back together. It takes courage to look inside for answers  but we work to provide hope and explore ways to begin.
It is an honor, a privilege, and a opportunity to empower someone find him or her "self". I provide what I consider as a sacred space within which they are to find safety and compassion to dig deep and find their answers. It is so wonderful to witness the growth, reconciliation,healing, and renewed self esteem!!
But what really fascinates me how strong people can be without even knowing it!
Finding ways to survive in what can be a hostile and at times a bias environment.
It really blows me away how truly amazing the human spirit can be!
I learn from these experiences and they serve to make my journey that much more enriched!

You are welcome to join me as I explore my thoughts on this venue.
I don't know how this will evolve but I am looking forward to sharing my experiences and hopefully something good will come out of this. The sky is the limit!
I welcome comments and ideas or questions about my postings 

peace and light


  1. I was inspired by that movie, too! Just saw it last night. Getting together with you and laughing so hard that we pee our pants, and doing this on a regular basis, is one of my New Year's Resolutions. Very therapeutic to pee one's pants from laughing!


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